How to respond to the reshaping of new global order? How to grasp the new opportunities, trends and measures?
In-depth discussions will be conducted through this year’s annual meeting to stress the theme of “Comprehensive and Sustainable Development - Wide Consultation, Co-operation and Crisis Response”, as well as to explore China’s engagement in the international co-operation and crisis management with the rest of world.


The International Finance Forum (IFF) is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental international organisation founded in October 2003, and established by financial leaders from more than 20 countries, and regions, including China, the United States, the European Union, emerging countries and leaders of international organisations such as the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The IFF is a long-standing, high-level platform for dialogue and communication and multilateral cooperation and has been upgraded to F20 (Finance 20) status.

IFF's well-established network connects to

  • 100+
  • Countries and regions
  • 100+
  • Political leaders
  • 500+
  • Financial leaders
  • 5000+
  • Experts
  • 10000000+
  • Participants

Finance20 (F20) - Finance supports the world