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With the supports from the United Nations, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and more than 20 political and financial leaders, the Silk Road International Association (SRIA) was officially launched on September 2, 2016 at the International Finance Forum (IFF) Annual Meeting, at which the SRIA Initiative was released.

The SRIA Initiative

The Challenge

Co-buiding the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, or the Belt and Road Initiative, is to promote prosperity of BRI countries, and progress in human civilization in a broader sense. The Initiative has drawn wide attention and positive responses from the international community. However, the BRI calls for more recognition and participation globally amid the intertwined political, economic, social, cultural and religious factors.

The Opportunity

We have reached a consensus that as the world is in critical transition, it is necessary to, in the spirit of BRI, establish an open global network by joining efforts from the international community, global markets and private capital.

Upholding the Silk Road spirits of "peace, cooperation, mutual learning and mutual benefit", we strive to foster mutual trust, dispel misgivings and forge consensuses on the values of the BRI. With deeper understanding on the core of BRI development - openness, inclusiveness, mutual benefit and win-win outcomes, countries will be more motivated to promote economic recovery and growth, thus ensuring a stable international environment.

To promote BRI development with finance playing the leading and central role, the International Finance Forum (IFF) unites former political leaders, experts, scholars, economic and financial institutions, and outstanding entrepreneurs from BRI countries to form the Silk Road International Association (SRIA).

SRIA will serve as an international platform for in-depth civilian exchanges and cooperation in economy, society, culture, education and technology, and as a bridge to engage the world in BRI development and vice versa.

To realize these goals, here SRIA proposes:

1. Establishing the Silk Road International Association (SRIA). With joint efforts of political, economic and financial leaders, experts and entrepreneurs from BRI countries, SRIA aims to make the most of think-tank resources worldwide to build an open network with global vision. Through cooperation among key BRI countries, SRIA will form a framework of public diplomacy and strategic cooperation, fully tapping into the synergy.

2. Forming a mechanism for dialogue, personnel exchanges and joint research among BRI countries and regions.

SRIA will serve as a platform sharing and publishing academic findings, holding seminars, and conducting joint research programmes and personnel exchanges. SRIA will also invite and fund think-tanks and scholars to identify concerns and expectations of BRI countries, and develop strategies and solutions accordingly.

3. Holding the SRIA Summit on a regular basis though the platform provided by IFF and SRIA. Member countries are encouraged to share development concepts and experiences and discuss issues related to BRI development. SRIA is committed to serving as an authoritative platform for comprehensive dialogues, exchanges and cooperation among government, business and academia of relevant countries.

4. Facilitating multilateral co-operation between the international community, global markets and private capital under the BRI. When necessary, SRIA, as a platform, will proactively promote the establishment of financial institutions with private capital to support BRI development.

5. With the support of IFF, the Board of Governors, the Membership System and the Secretariat will be set up for SRIA's daily operation and management. We believe the initiation of SRIA is a milestone, marking the wider recognition of the BRI by the international community, global markets and private capital. It will boost comprehensive and sustainable development, economic growth and stability of the world.

Coagulation Messages
  • The Silk Road at the time of Tang Dynasty was the only route that connected the world then known. It was long before America was discovered. Through the development of science and technology, the world has become a much smaller place. The Route and Road Initative will make the world even smaller, better connected and closer.
    I am sure that IFF's Silk Road International Association will make a great contribution in promoting the objectives of Route and Road Initiative and its members will do their best in realizing the ideals of the modern Silk Road.

    ——Ban Ki-moon, the 8th Secretary-General of the United Nations

  • By upholding the principle of "wide consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits", we hope that SRIA can develop an international, market-oriented, and localized strategic co-operation and dialogue mechanism.
    SRIA would be a strong supplement to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the New Development Bank (NDB), the Silk Road Fund and other emerging multilateral development institutions. SRIA will promote inter-civilization dialogues and multilateral co-operation, bring Asian, European and African countries closer, and take the mutually beneficial cooperation to a new historical height.

    ——JIN Liqun, President of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)