HOME>WHAT WE DO>Events>Spring Meeting


  • IFF International Conference
  • Theme: How to Strengthen Cooperation in a Fragmenting World
  •  2024.4.15 (Washington DC Time)
  • This year marks the 80th anniversary of the framework of international cooperation established at Bretton Woods in 1944. Given the challenges facing the world today — especially concerning cross-border issues—cooperation has never been more needed. Yet support for multilateralism appears to be more at risk than at any time since Bretton Woods...»
  • IFF Hong Kong Conference
  • Theme: Multilateralism and Globalization in an Era of Strategic Competition, and Implications for Asia
  •  2023.5.5
  • Against the backdrop of all the global challenges facing the world today, what will multilateralism and globalization in an era of strategic competition look like? Is it sustainable? What should we do about it? How do digitalization and green investment...»
  • IFF 2022 Spring Meeting
  • Theme: New Global Landscape: Challenges and Responses
  •  2022.4.27-28
  • The International Finance Forum (IFF) 2022 Spring Meetings were held in the form of virtual closed-door panel discussions in Beijing on April 27-28, with the theme of “New Global Landscape: Challenges and Responses”. Over 50 political and financial...»
  • IFF 2021 Spring Meeting
  • Theme: Global Governance and international co-operation in the Post-pandemic Era
  •  2021.5.29-30
  • On May 29th-30th, 2021, the International Finance Forum (IFF) held its 2021 spring meeting with the theme of Global Governance and Development in the Post-Pandemic Era. The meeting aimed to provide a platform for in-depth discussions on international cooperation and...»