In accordance with the principle of geographic balance, the IFF welcomes members from all around the world to join us. IFF members refer to enterprises and organizations that have been approved by the Secretariat and meet the requirements of donation. IFF Membership is divided into two categories: Specialized Member and General Member.
IFF will accept enterprises or other organizations worldwide that:
(1) A Member organization shall have a Member to represent it and to fulfill its duties. The Member Representative shall be the legal person or the principal person of the organization;
(2) When a Member changes its Member Representative, it shall submit a written application to the IFF Secretariat and get the confirmation from the Board of Governors before substitute its successor Representative;
(3) The Member Representative shall have full capacity to perform civil acts;
(4) The IFF has a Member liaison system and Members shall designate a person to act as the liaison person.
(1) The right to participate in the IFF Annual Meeting and other conference activities;
(2) The right to suggest topics for IFF Annual Meetings and other activities;
(3) The right to have priority in hosting or sponsoring various activities organized by the IFF;
(4) The access to information such as electronic newsletters, studies and reports issued by the IFF and its member institutions;
(5) To seek opportunities for cooperation through the global network established by the IFF;
(6) The priority access to the IFF’s advisory services and preferential conditions;
(7) Authorize the IFF to organize seminars on issues of interest to them;
(8) Authorize the IFF to conduct research on topics of interest to them and to share the results of such research;
(9) Entrust the IFF to recommend or training human resources;
(10) To be authorized to enjoy the title of "Member of the IFF";
(11) To enjoy the preferential treatment granted by the IFF at its permanent venue;
(12) Other rights granted by the IFF and its membership management rules.
(1) Comply with the IFF’s Charter and other related regulations;
(2) Comply with and implement IFF resolutions;
(3) Safeguard the legitimate interests and reputation of the IFF;
(4) Attend the IFF annual meeting and related activities on time;
(5) Provide truthful and reliable information to the IFF;
(6) Pay membership fees in accordance with the regulations;
(7) Other obligations stipulated by the IFF.